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Click Employees on the left menu in TAA to see employee data, one record at a time. Click the drop-down arrow at the top right and select the employee whose information you want to view.

The required fields are typically First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent). The field data that is imported from your payroll or personnel application is read only. Other information can be customized and maintained based on your organization's needs.

Note: The value in the FTE field denotes what percentage of a full-time week the employee works. For example, if an employee works 20 hours in a 40-hour work week, the FTE field will have a value of 50; a full-time employee will have 100.

Depending on your TAA settings, you may be able to add an employee manually. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add Employee button at the bottom left.
  2. In the new record, enter the required field data.
  3. Click Create.

If you need to update an employee's information, make the change in their record and then click the Save button.

See Time and Attendance ›› Time and Attendance Software Module for an explanation of the icons on the top-right toolbar.